Source code for url_matcher.matcher

The matcher module contains the UrlMatcher class.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

from url_matcher.patterns import PatternMatcher, get_pattern_domain, hierarchical_str
from url_matcher.util import get_domain

[docs] @dataclass(init=False, frozen=True) class Patterns: include: Tuple[str, ...] exclude: Tuple[str, ...] priority: int
[docs] def __init__(self, include: List[str], exclude: Optional[List[str]] = None, priority: int = 500): # The initialization is manually set so that we can support an API of # accepting and returning lists. However, tuples are being used underneath # that class so that the attributes are truly immutable, in addition to # being frozen=True. # Using lists are far less likely to have human typing mistakes compared to # tuples since the trailing `,` char can easily be missed out. For # example: # * ("element") is not the same as ("element",) which is a tuple. # Lastly, the manner of how we set the attribute values below is in line # with how Python's own `dataclasses` library assign attributes to frozen # classes. Here's a reference: # * object.__setattr__(self, "include", tuple(include)) object.__setattr__(self, "exclude", tuple(exclude or [])) object.__setattr__(self, "priority", priority)
[docs] def get_domains(self) -> List[str]: domains = [get_pattern_domain(pattern) for pattern in self.include] # remove duplicate domains preserving the order return list(dict.fromkeys(domain for domain in domains if domain))
[docs] def get_includes_without_domain(self) -> List[str]: return [pattern for pattern in self.include if get_pattern_domain(pattern) is None]
[docs] def all_includes_have_domain(self) -> bool: """Return true if all the include patterns have a domain""" return not self.get_includes_without_domain()
[docs] def is_universal_pattern(self) -> bool: """Return true if there are no include patterns or they are empty. A universal pattern matches any domain""" for pattern in self.include: if pattern: return False return True
[docs] def get_includes_for(self, domain: str) -> List[str]: return [pattern for pattern in self.include if get_pattern_domain(pattern) == domain]
@dataclass class PatternsMatcher: identifier: Any patterns: Patterns include_matchers: List[PatternMatcher] = field(init=False) exclude_matchers: List[PatternMatcher] = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self): self.include_matchers = [PatternMatcher(pattern) for pattern in self.patterns.include] self.exclude_matchers = [PatternMatcher(pattern) for pattern in self.patterns.exclude] def match(self, url: str) -> bool: if self.include_matchers: for include in self.include_matchers: if include.match(url): break else: return False for exclude in self.exclude_matchers: if exclude.match(url): return False return True class IncludePatternsWithoutDomainError(ValueError): def __init__(self, *args, identifier: Any, patterns: Patterns, wrong_patterns: List[str]): super().__init__(*args) = identifier self.patterns = patterns self.wrong_patterns = wrong_patterns
[docs] class URLMatcher:
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Union[Mapping[Any, Patterns], Iterable[Tuple[Any, Patterns]], None] = None): """ A class that matches URLs against a list of patterns, returning the identifier of the rule that matched the URL. Example usage:: matcher = URLMatcher() matcher.add_or_update(1, Patterns(include=[""])) matcher.add_or_update(2, Patterns(include=[""])) assert matcher.match("") == 1 assert matcher.match("") == 2 :param data: A map or a list of tuples with identifier, patterns pairs to initialize the object from """ self.matchers_by_domain: Dict[str, List[PatternsMatcher]] = {} self.matchers_universal: List[PatternsMatcher] = [] self.patterns: Dict[Any, Patterns] = {} if data: items = data.items() if isinstance(data, Mapping) else data for identifier, patterns in items: self.add_or_update(identifier, patterns)
[docs] def add_or_update(self, identifier: Any, patterns: Patterns): if not patterns.all_includes_have_domain() and not patterns.is_universal_pattern(): wrong_patterns = [p for p in patterns.get_includes_without_domain() if p] raise IncludePatternsWithoutDomainError( f"All include patterns must belong to a domain " f"but the patterns {wrong_patterns} doesn't. " f"For example, the include pattern '/product/* " f"is invalid whereas the pattern '*' isn't. " f"The only exception is the empty pattern which matches everything " f"and it is allowed. " f"identifier: {identifier}.", identifier=identifier, patterns=patterns, wrong_patterns=wrong_patterns, ) if identifier in self.patterns: self.remove(identifier) self.patterns[identifier] = patterns matcher = PatternsMatcher(identifier, patterns) for domain in patterns.get_domains(): self._add_matcher(domain, matcher) if patterns.is_universal_pattern(): self._add_matcher("", matcher)
[docs] def remove(self, identifier: Any): patterns = self.patterns.get(identifier) if not patterns: return del self.patterns[identifier] for domain in patterns.get_domains(): self._del_matcher(domain, identifier) if patterns.is_universal_pattern(): self._del_matcher("", identifier)
[docs] def get(self, identifier: Any) -> Optional[Patterns]: return self.patterns.get(identifier)
[docs] def match(self, url: str, *, include_universal=True) -> Optional[Any]: return next(self.match_all(url, include_universal=include_universal), None)
[docs] def match_all(self, url: str, *, include_universal=True) -> Iterator[Any]: domain = get_domain(url) matchers: Iterable[PatternsMatcher] = self.matchers_by_domain.get(domain) or [] if include_universal: matchers = chain(matchers, self.matchers_universal) for matcher in matchers: if matcher.match(url): yield matcher.identifier
[docs] def match_universal(self) -> Iterator[Any]: return (m.identifier for m in self.matchers_universal)
def _sort_domain(self, domain: str): """ Sort all the rules within a domain so that the matching can be done in sequence: the first rule matching wins. A total ordering is defined. This is ensured by using including the identifier in the sorting criteria Sorting criteria: * Priority (descending) * Sorted list of includes for this domain (descending) * Rule identifier (descending) """ def sort_key(matcher: PatternsMatcher) -> Tuple: sorted_includes = sorted(map(hierarchical_str, matcher.patterns.get_includes_for(domain))) return (matcher.patterns.priority, sorted_includes, matcher.identifier) self.matchers_by_domain[domain].sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True) self.matchers_universal.sort(key=sort_key, reverse=True) def _del_matcher(self, domain: str, identifier: Any): matchers = self.matchers_by_domain[domain] for idx in range(len(matchers)): if matchers[idx].identifier == identifier: del matchers[idx] break if not matchers: del self.matchers_by_domain[domain] for idx in range(len(self.matchers_universal)): if self.matchers_universal[idx].identifier == identifier: del self.matchers_universal[idx] break def _add_matcher(self, domain: str, matcher: PatternsMatcher): # FIXME: This can be made much more efficient if we insert the data directly in order instead of resorting. # The bisect module could be used for this purpose. # I'm leaving it for the future as insertion time is not critical. self.matchers_by_domain.setdefault(domain, []).append(matcher) if domain == "": self.matchers_universal.append(matcher) self._sort_domain(domain)